
    News & Commentary on ISO Management System Standards

    ISO 31010 Risk Management Courses
    ISO 31010 Risk Management Courses

    risk management 3-1

    Be an internationally certified Risk Management Professional

    We have three Risk Management Courses. These are...

    For background on the ISO Risk Assessment Standards and details of the Courses, read on...

    deGRANDSON's Risk Management Courses

    deGRANDSON's Risk Management courses offer Foundation, Advanced, and Expert Levels, providing you with the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to plan, implement, and maintain a Risk Management Programme for your organization.

    If you search ISO standards for 'risk management,' you will find several standards, some of which are published as guidance documents to management system standards (e.g., ISO 27005 in support of the Information Security Standard, ISO 27001), ISO 31000, and ISO-IEC 31010.2019?

    • The Standard introduces selected techniques and compares their possible applications, benefits, and limitations.
    • The potential audience for this Standard includes:
      • Anyone involved in assessing or managing risk;
      • People who are interested in developing guidance that sets out how risk is to be assessed in specific contexts;
      • People who need to make decisions where there is uncertainty, including:
        • those who commission or evaluate risk assessments,
        • those who need to understand the outcomes of assessments and
        • those who have to choose assessment techniques to meet particular needs.
      • Organizations conducting risk assessments for compliance or conformance purposes would benefit from using these appropriate formal and standardized risk assessment techniques.


    View the ISO 31010 Risk Management - Foundation Course

    How ISO-IEC 31010 is related to ISO 31000

    ISO 31000, Risk Management – Guidelines

    While its title might suggest that it contains practical advice on managing risk, it does not.  ISO 31000 is devoted to exploring a framework for understanding risk when defined as the 'effect of uncertainty on objectives.'  And so, for direction and practical advice on risk management (i.e., actual guidelines), we must look elsewhere.

    ISO-IEC 31010, Risk Assessment Techniques

    This International Standard was prepared by IEC Technical Committee 56: Dependability, in co-operation with ISO Technical Committee 262: Risk Management.  It is published as a double logo standard, i.e., ISO/IEC.

    It provides guidance on the selection and application of various techniques that can be used to help improve the way uncertainty is taken into account and to help understand risk.

    The techniques are used:

    • where further understanding is required about what risk exists or about a particular risk;
    • within a decision where a range of options, each involving risk, need to be compared or optimized;
    • within a risk management process, leading to actions to treat risk.

    The techniques are used within the risk assessment steps of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating risk as described in ISO 31000 and, more generally, whenever there is a need to understand uncertainty and its effects.

    You can visit our Risk Management Courses page for full details of the various Courses available if you'd like.

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    deGRANDSON Global is an ISO Certified Educational Organization

    In October 2021, we secured certification to three education-related ISO Standards.  We now have a university-grade management system in place conforming to the requirements of  …

    • ISO 21001, Educational Organizational Management System,
    • ISO 29993, Learning Services outside formal Education,  and
    • ISO 29994, Learning Services – additional requirements for Distance Learning.

    We have chosen ISO 21001 Certification because, unlike IRCA and Exemplar badges (which, in our opinion, are commercially compromised), it is based on independent third-party assessment.  It is a 'university grade' standard used globally by schools, colleges, and universities to demonstrate their competence.

    We offer Certified Courses for ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 14001, ISO 17025, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, Data Protection and Risk Management.


    Written by Dr John FitzGerald

    Director & Founder of deGRANDSON Global. Spent 15 years in the manufacturing industry and 25 years training, consulting & auditing management systems
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